Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Need-for-Speed Post

I sent out a not-so-very heavy package, to a not-so-very far away place, oh-so-very long ago via 'speed' post but it still hasn't reached its destination. Now, when I saw that the name of the service was 'speed' post, I realized that it merely says 'speed', and doesn't specify whether it is high speed or low speed. But, optimistic and good Samaritan that I am, I gave it the benefit of doubt and thought "Of course, it means high speed!". But then I realized...


Distance = Speed

So, substituting speed in the equation of 'speed post', we get

Distance x Post

Distance x Post = Time

Hence, post is directly proportional to time.

Moral of the story: As post is directly proportional to time, if you send something by Speed Post, it is likely to take more time.

Second moral of the story: Whoever said 'what's in a name', never sent anything by Speed post.


  1. Hello ..
    Stumbled upon like we 'always' do on the Internet and got to your site .. Two things Interested me about you
    1.) Being a Doc and that 2 a DENTIST ( Trust me my current Dentist says half my mouth needs his attention and ofcourse Money out of my Pocket!)

    2.)I am soneone just like you are, someone by profession but want to be something else by desire , passion and mood!

    BTW ur equation beats the rules of math i.e Distance/ Time * Post should be equal to something as in

    1/2*3 = 1.5 and then ur equation can do cross multiply like - 1(Distance) * 3 (Post) = 2(Time) * some factor.The equations on both sides need to be balanced :-)

    anyways am not a BIG Fan of math so Go On play IT by your rules :))

    Goodluck with your writting and hope u achieve all you dream of ..

    Da Enigma

  2. Da Enigma,

    Thank-you for pointing that out.
    As you've rightly said, I'm a dentist, and with this blog entry, have just put forth one more very strong reason as to why I left math a long time ago... The only thing I vividly remember is my Math Professor starting every problem with the line "Let us assume that...", so I took the liberty of assuming that there is something on the other side of the '=', which was 1.

    And anyway, like you said, I prefer to play it by my rules. So, like my Math Professor would say, let us assume that this blog entry is right... :-)

  3. lolZ
    nice derivation u got there..keep writing! cheers

  4. Havent seen anything from your side in a long time. Why aren't you writing?
